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The State Bar of California
American Institute of Trial Lawyers

Sex Crimes

Bay Area Sex Crimes Lawyer

It is easy for an innocent person to be falsely accused of a sex crime. The act may be a misunderstanding, you may have been entrapped by a government sting operation, or the accuser may be lying to seek revenge or some other advantage. Michael Coffino is an experienced and knowledgeable Bay Area sex crimes lawyer who can analyze the legal defenses that apply to your case and gather the evidence you need to defend against false accusations.

California law criminalizes a range of sex acts, from sexual battery to forcible rape, child sexual abuse, prostitution, possession and manufacturing of illegal pornography, and more.

The advent of the Internet and social media has revolutionized the investigation and prosecution of sex crimes. The police increasingly use evidence derived from messaging applications, computers and other electronic devices, including location tracking technology.

If you have been investigated or arrested for a sex crime you need experienced legal representation immediately. The Law Office of Michael Coffino has extensive experience in sex crimes cases of all kinds and has successfully defended clients charged in the most serious cases.

A thorough factual investigation of the accuser and any physical, medical or electronic evidence is of paramount importance. We work with the leading medical and computer experts in the field in an effort to counter the government’s evidence and develop fact-based defenses that cast doubt on the accustions.

One of the severest consequences of a sex crime conviction is mandatory sex offender registration for life under Penal Code section 290. In some cases, Megan’s Law requires publication of the offender’s residence address and other personal information on the Internet.

Conviction of such a crime can profoundly impact your career, personal life and reputation. Penalties include jail or prison time and could include payment of the economic and even non-economic losses of victims, which can involve substantial sums of money ordered by the court.

California law criminalizes a variety of sex acts, including:

Statutory Rape – defined as sexual intercourse between an adult and anyone under 18, regardless of consent. The state can bring these charges even without the cooperation of the alleged victim.

Prostitution – under California law this means getting money or something of value in exchange for sex. Pimping is defined as soliciting acts of prostitution or pandering on behalf of someone else.

Lewd Act on a Child – Penal Code 288 forbids the lewd touching of a child for the purpose of sexual arousal and carries a variety of serious penalties depending on the ages of the parties, whether force was involved, and other factors. Indecent Exposure – Penal Code 314 makes it a misdemeanor to knowingly expose ones genitals or breasts in public for the purpose of offending others.

Rape by Force or Fear – Penal Code 261(a)(1) criminalizes sexual intercourse accomplished by force or fear, or committed on a victim with a mental, developmental or physical disability. Sexual intercourse when the victim is unable to resist because of intoxication or unconsciousness is also rape.

Sexual Battery – a non-consensual sexually motivated touching of an intimate part can be charged as sexual battery. A more serious version of this offense is known as sexual battery by fraudulent representation of professional purpose in violation of Penal Code 243.4(c), such as when a doctor or masseuse commits a sexually motivated touching of a patient under the guise of providing care.

Michael Coffino has assisted clients facing sex crimes charges throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, including Marin County, Sonoma County, Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Napa County and San Mateo County. He provides a free and confidential consultation so that you can learn more about your legal options and how he can help you cope with the stress of the situation. To schedule your free consultation call us now at (415) 786-9703 or contact us online.

Client Reviews
Mr.Coffino saved me! He and his investigator got evidence that I didn't commit the crime I was accused of: Felony Assault With a Deadly Weapon. Charge was dismissed. Mr. Coffino is highly intelligent, professional, and actually cared about me. This is the attorney that the Marin IJ stated "the best attorney money can't buy" when he worked for the Public Defender's Office. And he really cares about his clients!!! JR
Mike is an amazing, strong, and articulate lawyer that will not only point out the facts that are relevant to one's case but, will make sure that he has addressed every concern that you have to the court/judge. I was also very impressed with Mike's closing arguments. They were strong, very well referenced, and specific to the my case. For those that are wondering if Mike is the man for the job, HE is definitely the MAN you want representing you in your case. EM
I had some experience with lawyers in the past but not like Mike. He was a bulldog in the courtroom. His closing arguments were off the charts and we won. Thanks Mike!!! CH
Best attorney I could of asked for. I never had any doubts about him, I knew from the beginning he was going to do his best to help me and that was exactly what he did. Very informative about what was going on, he would lay out a plan and do exactly as he would say. Very good attorney. Strongly recommended. AM
I’ll never be able to explain everything you did for me. He did so much in my domestic violence case. When I called, he answered every time. He was there for me. He saved my life. What more can I say? I will never be able to repay him. FM